Blowing Away The Cobwebs! d.i.y. Full-length animation

Okay, so it's been almost a year since I posted, and I have a lot to report back on.

During late 2012, I decided to go into the direction of animation and wrote/created/completed a 5 minute short/pilot called THE GRID. 

Since then, I wrote a feature length script based on the short, and now THE GRID: Zombie Outlet Maul is in d.i.y. development.

I've enlisted several artistic friends to help me pull it off. We're just getting starting with our fundraising at Seed And Spark:

What makes this such an awesome project to be involved with is that it's not that incredibly hard to do it yourself.

Although making any sort of full-length project (110 min) alone isn't the best idea, it can be done, and over the next few weeks, I plan to share how it's going and the steps we're taking to make it all happen. So, stay tuned...



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